
If you're in IT, you've been there: something is broken/not working, and you've exhausted both your knowledge and your internal documentation (if you have any). So you start searching, scouring the web for any clue that might make some part of the puzzle fall in place or at least change the error code.

Over my 15+ years in the industry, I've found personal blogs to be the most useful resources in these situations, mostly because they're written by peers who have no style guidelines or forced biases toward/against certain companies or technologies. I've benefited enough from these kind people that I feel I need to start giving back. Everything I write here will have roots in an actual issue/build I've experienced, so I hope it will eventually become a useful repository.

So the goal of this blog is to help people, either by aiding to fix a problem or giving them knowledge that will help them avoid problems. It should go without saying, but I feel like I have to state everything written here is based on my personal opinions, experiences, and preferences. As such, I can't guarantee everything will work for your specific situation, nor do I claim anything I propose is the best solution possible. It's just the best one I've found or come up with. As with any new fix, you should test extensively before deploying to an environment of consequence.

I am a full-time systems administrator and have a lot of things outside of work that make me happy and keep me busy, so while I will try to keep up with comments, you shouldn't expect a quick response. This also goes for any emails/requests.
